Que veut dire subhanallah ? - Décorateur Oriental

What does subhanallah mean?

What does subhanallah mean?


Subhanallah is a commonly used expression in the Muslim religion. It is often used to express the glorification and praise of Allah. In this article, we will explore the meaning of subhanallah, its origin, and its linguistic, religious, and spiritual significance.

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Subhanallah etymology

The word subhanallah comes from Arabic. It is composed of two parts: subhan and Allah. Subhan is derived from the Arabic root "sbh", which means "to glorify" or "to praise". Allah is the Arabic name for God. Thus, subhanallah literally means "glorified be Allah" or "praised be Allah".

Linguistic interpretation of subhanallah

Subhan, an attribute of Allah

In the Arabic language, subhan is used to express praise and glorification of someone or something. However, when used in reference to Allah, it means that God is free from all faults and imperfections. It is an attribute of divine perfection.

The meaning of Allah

Allah is the Arabic name for God. The word Allah is derived from the Arabic root "alh", which means "deity" or "god". In Islam, Allah is considered the creator and ruler of the universe.

Understand the sentence subhanallah

The phrase subhanallah is therefore used to express praise and glorification of Allah as the perfect and sovereign deity.

The Spiritual Meaning of Subhanallah

Besides being an expression of praise and glorification, subhanallah also has an important spiritual meaning in Islam. By saying subhanallah, Muslims seek to draw closer to Allah and purify their hearts of all impurity.

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The importance of saying subhanallah


There are many benefits to saying subhanallah regularly. According to the teachings of Islam, saying subhanallah can help purify the heart, ward off evil spirits and attract Allah's blessings.

The importance of saying subhanallah

According to Islamic tradition, saying subhanallah regularly is a form of devotion and submission to Allah. It can help Muslims remember their place in the universe and their dependence on Allah.

When and how to say subhanallah

When to say it?

There are many times to say subhanallah. Muslims can say subhanallah at any time, whether in prayer, meditation, or just going about their daily activities.

How ?

There are several ways to say subhanallah. Muslims can say subhanallah alone or in a group, loudly or quietly. They can also say it using prayer beads, known as tasbih.


In conclusion, subhanallah is an important expression in the Muslim religion. It is used to express praise and glorification of Allah as the perfect and sovereign deity. By saying subhanallah regularly, Muslims seek to draw closer to Allah and purify their hearts. This practice is considered a form of devotion and submission to Allah.

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  1. Why is it important to say subhanallah regularly?
    Saying subhanallah regularly helps to purify the heart, ward off evil spirits and attract Allah's blessings.

  2. How to say subhanallah out loud or in a low voice?
    Muslims can say subhanallah out loud or quietly, depending on their preference.

  3. How are prayer beads used to say subhanallah?
    Muslims can use prayer beads, known as tasbih, to say subhanallah. They recite the subhanallah formula of praise 33, 66 or 99 times, passing a bead with each recitation.

  4. In which sura of the Quran is Subhanallah mentioned?
    Subhanallah is mentioned in several surahs of the Quran, including Surah Al-Israa, Surah Al-Hadid, and Surah Al-Furqan.

  5. Can non-Muslims say subhanallah?
    Yes, non-Muslims can say subhanallah if they wish. However, they should not use this expression in a disrespectful or blasphemous way.

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