Comment présenter ses condoléances en islam ? - Décorateur Oriental

How to offer condolences in Islam?


The loss of a loved one is a difficult reality to accept, no matter who we are or where we come from. However, the way we react to this loss, the way we express our grief and our compassion vary greatly from culture to culture, religion to religion. In the context of Islam, specific rites and customs guide believers on how to deal with death and how to offer condolences. These practices, while being respectful and dignified, offer comfort not only to those who are grieving, but also to those who wish to express their sympathy.

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What to say when a person dies in Islam?

When a Muslim is informed of the death of a person, whether close or not, the first reaction is to accept this reality as being the will of Allah. In this context, it is common to pronounce the phrase: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un", which means "We belong to Allah, and to Him we return". This phrase, taken from the Quran (Sura 2, verse 156), conveys a resigned acceptance of fate and serves as a reminder that all life belongs to Allah and will ultimately return to Him. It is a way of emphasizing the purpose of life and the importance of spirituality in these difficult times.

How to offer condolences?

Offering condolences in Islam is both a simple and profound act, which centers on expressing respect for the deceased and supporting those left behind. Compassion, empathy and caring are at the heart of this process. It is common to express sympathy and share the grief of the bereaved, while reminding them of Allah's mercy and goodness. A common formulation might be: "May Allah grant your beloved His mercy and welcome him into His Paradise. May God give you patience and courage to overcome this ordeal". It is a way of remembering that despite the pain and pain, life goes on, and that the deceased is now at peace.

What are the actions to avoid?

As in many traditions, Islam guides its followers on what is and is not appropriate during times of mourning. There are specific actions and behaviors that are discouraged or even prohibited on these occasions:

  • Excessive expression of mourning: Sadness is natural and expected in the event of a loss, but in Islam it is not advisable to cry out loud, shout or lament. Sadness should be expressed respectfully and contained.
  • Self-harm: It is strictly forbidden to hit yourself, tear your clothes or shave your head as a sign of mourning. These actions are seen as signs of desperation and lack of faith in Allah's will.
  • Prolonged mourning: In Islam, a three-day mourning period is prescribed for everyone except the widow who is in 'iddah (waiting period) for four months and ten days.

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How to support the grieving family?

  • Empathy and emotional support: It is essential to show empathy and support to the bereaved. The simple fact of making oneself available, of listening and of sharing the pain can be of great comfort.
  • Material assistance: It is also very common to provide material assistance, especially with regard to food. It is a way of showing concern and relieving the family of daily concerns.
  • Spiritual help: Reciting the Koran, making invocations for the deceased are also very appreciated.


The loss of a loved one is a difficult time in everyone's life. Islam, through its rituals and teachings, provides a framework for expressing grief, supporting those who are grieving and honoring the memory of the deceased. As a believer, it is important to follow these guidelines to provide spiritual comfort to those in need and to remember the promise of life after death. May God give us all the strength and patience to face these trials.

Visit our website for more articles on Islamic culture and traditions.

FAQ: Condolences in Islam

1. What to do when a loved one dies in Islam? When a loved one dies, it is important to respect Islamic funeral rites: washing the body, dressing the deceased in a shroud, funeral prayer and burial.

2. What is mourning in Islam? Grieving is a time of sadness and contemplation after the loss of a loved one. It must be observed for three days for relatives, except for a widow who must observe a waiting period ('iddah) of four months and ten days.

3. How to support a grieving person in Islam? A bereaved person can be supported by offering comfort, helping with daily chores and making invocations for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

4. What can be offered to a grieving family in Islam? It is recommended to offer food to the grieving family, this allows them to concentrate on their grief without having to worry about meals. Helping with funeral arrangements is also a great sign of support.

5. What to say to a grieving person in Islam? One can express sympathy by saying for example: "May Allah grant your beloved His mercy and welcome him into His Paradise. May God give you patience and courage to overcome this ordeal".

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